Hanna Somatic Education is beneficial for those suffering from headaches, stiff or painful joints, sore muscles, fatigue, poor posture, breathing problems, impaired movement, accident trauma or whiplash, back pain, and repetitive stress injuries. Hanna Somatics is a gift for anyone is who interested in learning more about themselves. Whether you have a specific issue or just want to be more embodied, Hanna Somatics is for you!
“Somatic Exercises can change how we live our lives, how we believe that our minds and bodies interrelate, how powerful we think we are in controlling our lives, and how responsible we should be in taking care of our total being.”
What is Hanna Somatics?
Hanna Somatic Education, developed by Thomas Hanna, is a gentle and effective form of neuromuscular movement that goes directly to the root cause of most chronic muscular pain – the brain – and alters the way in which it senses and organizes the muscles and movement.
By learning to regain awareness, sensation, and motor control of muscles (an educational process that can only be achieved through movement) the brain can remember how to relax and move the muscles properly. This process of sensory motor training creates improved muscle function and enhanced sensory awareness. Hanna Somatics addresses the root cause of most chronic muscular tensions and pains – the brain. Hanna Somatic Education taps into the way in which the brain senses and organizes muscles and everyday movements. This is done through:
neuromuscular re-education
improvement of sensory awareness
balancing one’s own sensory-motor system
How can Hanna Somatics help me?
We focus on improved motor control to reverse the painful effects of accumulated tension, injury, and stress – the aches and pains typically thought of as “aging.” Hanna Somatics uses the first-person experience to create integrated and easeful movement, no matter what you’re doing. Hanna Somatics is simple and can be done by anyone.
Relief from chronic pain, reduce injuries
Hands-on sessions facilitate quick learning
Learn in present time
Relief from habitual movement patterns
Awaken from sensory motor amnesia