One-on-One Clinical Sessions


Hanna Somatic Education is done both clinically on a massage table and as exercises in a classroom setting. HSE will teach you to release chronic muscle pain as you regain sensory awareness and voluntary control of your muscles and movement. Doing so can enable you to enjoy a rapid and significant improvement in physical comfort, quality of movement, posture and overall appearance.

  • Relief from chronic pain

  • Reduce injuries

  • Hands-on sessions facilitate quick learning

  • Learn in present time

  • Relief from habitual movement patterns

  • Awaken from sensory motor amnesia

What happens at a One-on-One Clinical Session?

Carisa Borrello Hanna Somatics New Paltz NY Holistic Bodywork Posture Athletes.jpg

One session is about 1.5 hours in length in which I guide you through specific movements on a massage table. The movements and instructions are tailored to your particular problem or concerns.

There are generally three parts of a session:

  • Initial assessment

  • Hands-on clinical techniques

  • Instruction for at-home movement

Hanna Somatic Education is a safe, gentle and common sense approach to reverse chronic pain.

To schedule an appointment:

Please contact Carisa at

Office: 845-255-8212

Cell: 845-702-2091

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